Oolite Store Blocks

Buying The Best Oolite Store Blocks

The price of oolite can vary greatly, and most people don’t have the time to do a bunch of research online before hitting the store. This blog post will help you make an informed decision by detailing 35 factors to help you find the best oolite blocks and boulders. Whether it is an excellent time to buy, what to ask for, or why you should only purchase oolite in bulk (best for quantity and quality), you’ll be able to make an educated decision on your next purchase.

With the massive popularity of oolite, far too many sources of the best store blocks exist. You can get them from large shops or a local farmer. Buying from a farmer allows you to get the purest block, but it also means that it may not be as good as store blocks that come straight from the supplier. The general rule is to always buy oolite directly from the supplier and far away from other oolite sellers.

This blog post will give you some background information about each of these factors and help you make an educated decision on your next purchase (or even on what to do if you have purchased one). Scroll down to the end of this article to see the table summarizing all of these factors.

You should first consider whether you want to buy oolite in bulk or just a tiny amount. If you are buying tiny amounts, then it will be hard to get different bags, but it is also challenging to find any bags at all. If you want a certain bag size, buy only that specific style and let other people fight for those that don’t fit your needs. Bulk (in bags) is acceptable if it will save money in the long run.

When buying oolite, it is essential to make sure that you get the best deal. One of the most important factors that influence how good a deal you are getting is how much you pay for each oolite unit. Ignore price per kilogram, but instead, price per block. Some shops calculate their prices based on kilograms (which can be confusing), but this can sometimes be misleading because the exact density of oolite isn’t known with certainty, and traditional units of measurement aren’t used consistently.

The price doesn’t just depend on how much of the product you are getting, where it was grown and how far away from the supplier it was transported.