massage therapy in Porter Ranch, CA

Massage Therapy: are they effective?

A sort of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatment known as therapeutic massage is frequently used to treat muscle discomfort, injury, and stiffness. Stress, worry, and sadness are just a few of the mental and emotional issues that have been treated with massage therapy.

massage therapy in Washington Township, MI is also regarded as a method of relaxation, may be able to ease stress and induce calm and deep relaxation. Additionally, massage may help manage other symptoms of panic disorder and reduce feelings of dread and worry.

Massage therapy can induce relaxation in the body, which enables you to let go of nervous and frightened thoughts. Massage can promote flexibility, reduce blood pressure, and relieve stress in the muscles. Massage treatment can be used as a relaxing approach to assist control the fight-or-flight response, also known as the stress reaction, which is frequently overactive in patients with anxiety disorders.

Fearful thoughts and behaviours frequently outweigh any actual threat in the surroundings because of the fight-or-flight response. For instance, agoraphobics frequently worry about having a panic attack in a crowded place or a cramped space where it would be embarrassing or challenging to flee.

Uncomfortable physical symptoms including shortness of breath, an accelerated heart rate, profuse perspiration, and chest pain are frequently brought on by the fight-or-flight response.

By inducing the relaxation response, lowering tension, lowering heart rate, and overall making a person feel calmer, massage therapy can have an opposite effect on the body.


According to some data, massage therapy may be a useful supplementary treatment for illnesses like depression and anxiety.

For instance, one study discovered that massage treatment was an efficient, non-invasive, and affordable technique to aid in the reduction of pain, anxiety, and depression symptoms among cancer patients.

A different study showed that therapeutic massage significantly reduced symptoms in persons with generalised anxiety disorder (GAD).

These gains, however, were essentially the same as those that participants in other relaxation-based treatments reported, indicating that eliciting a relaxation response is generally advantageous in GAD sufferers.

According to a 2018 assessment of the literature, there may be at least some benefit to therapeutic massage as an additional treatment for anxiety and depression.